Team member

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Wetzel's Pretzels

Fort Worth - TX

Sobre essa vaga

Salário Salário:
USD $ 10 a USD $ 15
Jornada e Horário(s) Jornada e Horário(s):
A combinar
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Regime de trabalho Regime de trabalho:
Efetivo (CLT)
Wetzel’s Pretzels is a fun, team orientated environment with competitive pay, flexible scheduling, free food and drinks. We are focused on the growth and success of our team.

We are looking for Team Members, Team Leads, and Shift Managers. All positions will be hired in as Team Members or Team Leads and promoted from within. Starting pay is determined by experience, which is preferred however not required.

Food handlers certification preferred.

Daily expectations include arriving to work on time, capability to perform in every station of the bakery, engaging with the team, customer service expectations, cash handling and eagerness for a positive work environment!


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